Maximizing Project Management Results:

Context: over 80% of the projects I managed were designs involving new technologies, so effective project management focused on first optimizing the design in a tradeoff of instead of maximizing project or construction efficiency.

For projects involving new and evolving technologies,
80% – 96% of the value added comes during process scope and design phase
4% – 20% of the value added comes from abnormal project and construction management

Get team together with all of their ideas and combine them into final product or design. Working closely with researchers to understand their technology or with operators to understand how they see a process and equipment working is a winning strategy for project managers.

To me team synergy means:
• I rarely have an idea that could not be improved upon by working on the idea with other people
• Working on a team is much more fun than working alone or as a lone wolf
• Second and third sets of eyes often notice something to improve,
• Instead of directing, encouraging each to do work their own way increases learning.

To enable good team performance, a project manager also needs to:
• Giving people the tools and training to do the job
• Insuring information flows between engineers in time to prevent waiting

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