E) Distillation Process Re-Design #1

Presented Problem: Build 2nd column to meet sales and find where losing 562K lbs/yr product for new chemist in group.

History: Process had been worked on for 31 years by numerous chemists and chemical engineers and my technical peers, except the new chemist, all felt the process was optimized.

Core Problem: Process was run at far too high of reflux under high vacuum,
causing the semi-batch distillation to take 3-4 times as long as required and
huge unnecessary vent losses (of back-ordered, sold-out product)

Process Results:
Changed to run at 70% of flooding near minimum reflux,
Throttled back vacuum to only level needed
Cut cycle times from over 10 days to under 3 days
Cut steam and cooling water use by over 70%

Business Results:
Met higher production rate while ending plans for spending $5 MM in capital
Increased recovery by about 500K lbs/yr, increasing sales by ~ $ 5 MM

(contact me for more info on this)

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